
Statziki provides calculators for common probability distributions, regression & hypothesis testing. In addition, it provides full calculations with the help of advanced algorithms to show you step by step how the answer was calculated and how the formulas were used. On top of that we also provide R tutorials in machine learning and experimental analysis.


Hypergeometric probability calculator - Probability distribution that describes the probability of y successes in n draws without replacement.

Binomial probability calculator - Probability distribution that describes the probability of y successes in n draws with replacement.

Poisson probability calculator - Probability distribution that describes the probability of a given number of events happening in a specified time, distance or area interval.

Exponential probability calculator - Probability distribution that describes the time between each event occuring in a specified time, distance or area interval.

Normal probability calculator - Probability distribution that describes the probability of p(Z > X) or P(Z < X) given mean μ & standard deviation σ.

Normal probability interval calculator - Probability distribution that describes the probability of P(X1 < Z < X2) given mean μ & standard deviation σ.

Bayes Theroem calculator - Use this theorem to find the probability of an event happening given another event has aleady occured, P(A|B).


Simple linear regression calculator - Find how much an indepdenet variable X affects the dependent variable Y.

Multiple linear regression calculator - Find how much two independent variables X1 & X2, affect the dependent variable Y.

Variance Calculator

Variance & standard deviation Calcualtor - Find the variance & standard deviation of a sample.

Confidence Interval Variance Calcualtor - Find the confidence interval of a sample variance using the chi^2 distribution

Hypothesis testing

T-test 2 independent variables calculator - Compare two sample means, where equal variances & normality are assumed and population variance is unknown.

Paired T-test calculator - Compare the difference between two related datasets to see if there is any difference, unknown population variance & normality is assumed.

One sample Z-test calculator - Test whether the mean of a population is less than, greater than or equal to a specific value μ, population variance is known & normality is assumed.

Z test two independent sample means calculator - Test whether the mean of a sample is less than, greater than or equal to another sample mean, population variance is known & normality is assumed.

Proportion test one sample calculator - Test whether the proportion in a population is less than, greater than or equal to a specific proportion, population variance is known & normality is assumed.

Proportion test two samples calculator - Test whether the proportion of a sample is less than, greater than or equal to another sample proportion, population variance is known & normality is assumed.

One way ANOVA calculator - Compare 3 or more sample means, normality is assumed.

Correlation Calculator

Pearson Correlation Calculator - Measure the relationship between two random variables.

Non Parametric Tets

Mann-Whitney U-test Calculator - Test whether there is any differences between two sample means (Two sample mean test without normality assumption).

Kruskal WAllis Test Calculator - Test whether there is any difference between 3 or more sample means (one way anova without normality assumption).

Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test Calculator - Compare the difference between two related datasets to see if there is any difference (paired Z or t-test without normality assumption).

Spearman's Rank Correlation Calculator - Measure the degree to which two variables move in relation to each other (Pearson Correlation without normality assumption)

Odds & Risk ratio

Risk Ratio - Measure of the risk of a certain event happening in one group compared to the risk of the same event happening to another group.

Odds Ratio - Measure the Odds of a certain event happening in one group compared to the Odds of the same event happening to another group.

R tutorials

Experimental Analysis R tutorial - Perform one way ANOVA, factorial design & create contour plots using R

Regression R tutorial - Machine learning using R, comming soon to your local statziki.