Simple Regression Calculator




Sum X 434
Sum Y 445
Sum XY 22126
Sum X2 22426
n 10
Y mean 44.5
X mean 43.4
Intercept 10.497
Coef 0.7835

Formulas and Output

\[Coefficient = \frac{\sum XY - (\sum X)(\sum Y)/n}{\sum X^2-\sum (X)^2/n}=\frac{\ 22126 - 434\times445/10}{ 22426 - 188356/10} = 0.7835\]
\[Intercept = \bar{y}- b \times\bar{x} = 44.5- (0.7835 \times 43.4) = 10.497\]
\[SSR = b\sum XY - (\sum X)(\sum Y)/n = 0.7835 \times 22126 \times 445 / 10 = 2203.9241 \]
\[SSE = SST - SSR = 2300.5 - 2203.9241 = 96.5759\]
\[SST = \sum Y^2 - (\sum Y)^2/n = 22103 - 445^2 / 10 = 2300.5 \]
\[MSR = SSR / 1 = 2203.9241\]
\[MSE = SSE / n-2 = 96.5759/(10-2) = 12.072\]


ANOVA df Sum squares Mean square Fvalue PR(>F)
1 1 2203.9241 2203.9241 182.5651 0.0
2 8 96.5759 12.072
3 9 2300.5




Robert E. Moritz wants to find out using a simple linear regression model if the accountants
age (X) has an effect on the time (in minutes) to finish an accounting task (Y).
The following data is from a sample of 10 accountants:
X = [20 25 30 37 45 47 55 59 62 65]
Y = [15 17 25 32 51 43 60 65 58 68]
a) Find the intercept and the coefficient.
b) Set up the ANOVA table and test if the coefficient is significant at p=0.05.

Using this calculator you can find the answer to the questions above
on any simple regression dataset and the method used to find them.